La Linda, Bolivia 2018

Flavour description: This is an elegant cup with light to medium body, notes of jasmine, nutmeg, agave syrup and black tea
Colour: Lilac
Producer:  Pedro-Pablo, Daniela and Pedro Rodriguez
Location: Bolinda, Caranavi, Bolivia
Varietal: Java
Harvest: July to September 2018
Elevation: 1650 masl
Processing: Fully Washed
Roast: Light to medium to present the natural characteristics of the coffee.

This is the fourth year in a row, we are proud to present this coffee; it has even been a favourite of our baristas at Drop, in the past was even used in the Swedish Brewers Cup competition. Java is an exciting variety, despite what the name may make you think. It makes a nutty and elegant cup with white floral notes. It does not produce a big yield at La Linda, and the risk for leaf rust is high, but the cup profile is worth the time put in on the small crop.

La Linda was purchased in 2014, the Rodriguez family bought land in Caranavi region to showcase their practises and educate other producers in sustainable farming, as well as increasing the overall volume at their mills. They prepared the land on 20,6 hectares and planted Red Caturra, Java and Gesha. This part of the lot is named after its’ beauty - La Linda. 

About the Rodriguez Family and Sustainability
Pedro-Pablo, Daniela and Pedro Rodriguez are our exporter for all of our coffees coming from Bolivia. They have their own processing mills, where they process coffees for other farmers in the Caranarvi and Sud Yungas region, before exporting it. Together the family has been sourcing coffee from small coffee producers for more than three decades. They have seen the steady decline of coffee production, which has put the sustainability of their export business in jeopardy.

Without the intervention of people like the Rodriguez family however, the future of Bolivian coffee production is at risk of disappearing. To help this, they have planted several plantations of their own in the Carnavi, and Samaipata regions. They also have a sustainability project Sol de Mañana where they are helping other producers by providing them with fertilisers, and seedlings, as well as giving them advice with their agronomic expertise; their three mantras are economical sustainability, social understanding, and environmental awareness. They are helping more farms produce higher quality as well as larger quantity of coffee in a sustainable way, which they process, and help export.

For all of the coffee we are buying through the Roudriguez, 20% of the price we pay them goes directly to the farmers delivering the coffee to the mill. These numbers are completely transparent, and available for all of the producers. On top of all of this, they have farms of their own, including Alasitas, La Linda and Samaichacha.

For a little more on the producers a Q&A with them on our last visit, watch it here.

About the Java (Longberry) Variety
The Java growing at La Linda is brought in from Nicaragua, from a producer at Las Delicias whom we are also buying coffee from. Java taked the nickname Longberry because of the long, slim look of the cherries and beans. The Java gives a smaller crop than expected at La Linda, some areas of the farm are being replanted because the yield is just too low. However the coffee is tasting amazing! Elegant, notes of nutmeg and white sweet florals with the Bolivian typical caramel syrup note to it. 

We’re very proud to present this Bolivian coffee to you, for the impact it will have on the Rodriguez family’s livelihoods and the future of Bolivian specialty coffee, but also for the sugary, clear taste profile. 

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Vi arbetar direkt och öppet med några av de mest begåvade kaffeproducenterna i världen, med många av våra partnerskap som sträcker sig över 10+ år. Alla kaffe vi köper har ett SCA-koppningsresultat på 86 eller högre och vi publicerar alltid de FOB-priser som betalas. Vi rostar noggrant i små omgångar, med fokus på sötma, klarhet och livfullhet, så att varje kaffes distinkta ursprung och personlighet lyser igenom.