Flavour description: A very clean Anaerobic-processed coffee with a sweet, thick mouthfeel like vanilla custard. Tasting notes of mandarin and cherry, with a rich creaminess of tiramisu in the finish.
Colour to describe flavour: Caramel Brown
Category: Adventurous
Producer: Rafael and Carmen da Silva Hoff with family
Farm: La Fany
Varietal: Red Bourbon
Process: Anaerobic Natural
Location: Ahuachapán, Santa Ana, El Salvador
Elevation: 1600 meters above sea level
Price transparency: The FOB price paid for this coffee was $6,00 /Ib
La Fany Anaerobic Natural Red Bourbon is produced by the Da Silva Hoff Family who whose inheritance of the farm Finca La Fany dates back to the early 1900s. It was first established by Fabio Morán and then passed on through the generations, eventually being taken over by Rafael and Carmen in the early 1990's. The beautiful farm is located high in the Apaneca-Illamatepec mountains, at 1,500 masl, about 2 miles from the city of Apaneca. It received its name because of one of Rafael’s ancestors was called Fany. According to Carmen one of her proudest moments was in 2005 when La Fany Red Bourbon achieved the 4th place in "Cup of Excellence."
Originally, the La Fany only grew 100% Bourbon, but in recent years they have been experimenting with new varietals. In 2017, 13,000 new Pacamara trees were planted along with 40,000 new seedlings, composed of Red Bourbon, Orange Bourbon, Pacamara, Geisha, and Yellow Caturra. We are now starting to see the fruits of these labours come through with these exciting varietals and processing just as the new generation, Rafael and Carmen's sons, begin to get more involved on the farm.
Click here to learn more about Rafael and Carmen da Silva Hoff.
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