Flavour description: The coffee has an aroma of hot chocolate. Flavour notes include milk chocolate, mango and white tea. This coffee has a medium to big body with a creamy mouthfeel.
Category: Curious
Colour to describe flavour: Dark Purple
Producer: Gloria Rodrigues with family
Farm: Finca Nejapa
Lot: Roma
Varietal: Pacamara
Process: Washed
Region: Ahuachapán, Santa Ana
Harvested: March to April 2023
Altitude: 1550 masl
Price transparency: The FOB price for this coffee was 5.5 USD per pound.
The Finca Nejapa farm is on the slopes of the Laguna de Las Ninfas (Waterlilies Lagoon) with a spectacular sight over the Apaneca-Ilamatepec mountain range. Nejapa farms 7 hectares reforested with cedar trees, approximately 10 years old. The farm also has a diversity of shade trees, which helps maintain and preserve both the soil conditions and a wide variety of birds and small mammals that live in that region.
The success of Finca Nejapa is the result of a strong family unit. The farm was initially inherited by Gloria’s father, José María Rodrígues Herrera in the 50’s, at that time the property was devoted to dairy cows, and it was José Maria who started growing coffee of the Bourbon variety. Little by little, he noticed coffee was extremely productive in that area, and that is where the story begins.
Today Gloria runs the farm with her son-in-law Luis. Their hard work and skills have really paid off in the quality of their product. By working together, they maintain and potentially improve the working conditions as well as the cup profile. Every year, Gloria establishes nurseries with selected seeds to keep her farm in good shape, balance production, and secure future crops.
Gloria primarily grows Red and Yellow Caturra on her land, with a small section on the western slope of the farm dedicated to Pacamara, reserved exclusively for us. Pacamara is a large-beaned hybrid of Maragogype and Pacas. Developed in El Salvador in 1958, Pacamara took 30 years of research before its release in 1980. Pacas, a Bourbon mutation, is compact, resilient, and high-yielding, while Maragogype, a Typica mutation, grows tall with large beans but lower yields. Pacamara was designed to combine the best traits of both which is evident in this complex and sweet coffee.
To read more about the Rodrigues family and Finca Nejapa click here.
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