Don't miss your chance to try two varietals grown at the same farm, side by side!
About Finca Nejapa Washed Pacamara:
Flavour description: The coffee has an aroma of hot chocolate. Flavour notes include milk chocolate, mango and white tea. This coffee has a medium to big body with a creamy mouthfeel.
Category: Curious
Colour to describe flavour: Dark Purple
Producer: Gloria Rodrigues with family
Farm: Finca Nejapa
Lot: Roma
Varietal: Pacamara
Process: Washed
Region: Ahuachapán, Santa Ana
Harvested: March to April 2023
Altitude: 1550 masl
Price transparency: The FOB price for this coffee was 5.5 USD per pound.
About Finca Nejapa Natural Elefante:
Flavour description: This coffee has an aroma of dried papaya. It is a sweet and fruity cup profile with flavour notes of jasmine, banana, and red grape. The weight is light to medium with a smooth mouthfeel. A sweet finish with an aftertaste of banana bread. Category: Adventurous
Colour to represent flavour: Mild turquoise
Producer: Gloria Rodrigues & Luis Rodrigues
Farm: Finca Nejapa
Lot: Roma
Varietal: Elefante
Process: Natural
Region: Ahuachapán, Santa Ana
Harvested: March to April 2023
Altitude: 1550 masl
Price transparency: The FOB price we paid for this coffee was $8,30 /lb
To read more about the Rodrigues family and Finca Nejapa click here.
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