Nominated as Coffee bar of the year - White Guide


We are so happy that we are one of the great coffee bars nominated in the brand new White Guide Café. 

Sveriges Bästa Caféer avslöjas snart – här är alla nomineringar

Since the biggest news paper in Stockholm Dagens Nyheter  took away the price for best café in their annual Gulddraken for the best restaurants and bars Sweden and Stockholm has been lacking a price for the best and most innovative people and places in the coffee business. I don't know if Gulddraken ever promoted coffee quality, but the price was important because it showed the readers that there are places worth visiting even if it's of the beaten track. 

White Guide is sweden's own Michelin guide. Sponsored and payed by the big food producing companies it still manages to keep it's integrity and value. For the swedish consumer a White Guide recommendation defenitly affects the choice of restaurant. The winning chefs, bars and restaurants inspires others and the culture is being moved forward. 

Therefor we are so happy that this book finally is being made and of course extremly proud that we are one of five nominated Coffee Bars. The other nominees are our role models and friends at da Matteo, Kafé Esias, Koppi and Mean Coffee. All worthy the price. 

The 12 of june we will know who wins. Already now we are happy to be a part of it and we hope this can be the start for a new way of drinking coffee in Sweden  - where quality and service make people travel, explore and enjoy.  

Next year also our retailers and other coffee shops that uses Drop Coffee will be nominated!

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We work directly and transparently with some of the most talented coffee producers in the world, with many of our partnerships spanning 10+ years. All the coffees we source have an SCA cupping score of 86 or higher and we always publish the FOB prices paid. We roast carefully in small batches, focusing on sweetness, clarity and vibrancy, so every coffee’s distinct origin and personality shines through.