Buesaco, Nariño, Colombia

Vi är exalterade över att ha ett kaffe från Nariño i västra Colombia. Regionen gränsar till Ecuador och är en svår region att handla kaffe från där det mesta går till den lokala handeln, men med sina höga höjd får kaffet en unikt bärig och stor karaktär. 

I byn Buesaco i Nariño levererar bönderna kaffe sitt kaffe dagligen. Detta är en blend av två olika lotter från bonden Rodrigo Viervos. Han får, genom vår grönkaffespårare Nordic Approach och Growers Association en premium baserat på kaffets höga kvalitet. Growers Association är en ung organisation som samarbetar med kvalitetsdrivna producenter i regionen. Det finns flera liknande projekt i Nariño, men ingen som koppar och håller lotterna separata på samma sätt som dessa.

Bonde: Rodrigo Viveros

Underart: Caturra och Castillo

Region: Buesaco, Nariño

Lot: Microlot #3

Skördeperiod: June 2014

Höjd: 1900 meter över havet

Process: Bären handplockas och fermenteras över natten, därefter fermenteras kaffet över natten i 12 till 16 timmar. Dagen därpå tvättas kaffet, förstörda bönor rensas bort under processen. Före kaffet skickas på torkning blötläggs kaffet ytterligare en gång i rent vatten. På torkstationen torkas kaffet på små patios eller ventilerande paraboliska torkare för att skydda vid regn. Därefter sorteras ytterligare defekter bort för hand.

Grönkaffespårare: Nordic Approach

Smakbeskrivning: Mogen karaktär med en silting munkänlsa. Smak av hibiskus och hallon, lång söt eftersmak.



We’re very excited to have a coffee from Nariño, the far-out west part of Colombia, this year and hopefully many years from further. Located on the bordering to Ecuador, this is one of the most challenging regions for trading coffee but also most interesting places to work. There is extremely high elevation, very high altitudes with very steep hillsides, and mainly very small scaled producers in remote areas. The tasteprofile from Nariño is jam like with mature red berry notes. However, in the region, the farmers frequently delivers really small amounts of parchment as soon as they have their small daily or weekly harvest ready. This micro lot is a blend of two different lots from the same farmer. Those two lots are selected and combined based on cup profile and its high scoring. 

Through our green coffee buyers  and Growers Association a premium is paid back to the growers for delivering higher quality. Growers Association is a young organization that cooperates with quality driven farmers. They are in the town of Buesaco where there are plenty of similar private and Cooperative buyers, but none of them as far as we know are cupping and keeping the lots separated in the same way as Growers Association.

Farmer: Rodrigo Viveros

Varietals: Caturra and Castillo

Region: Buesaco, Nariño

Lot: Microlot #3

Picked: May-June 2014

Altitude: 1900 masl

Process: Cherries are handpicked, then fermented overnight, 12 to 16 hours. The next day the coffee is washed, floaters snd damaged cherries are being removed in the process. Before being sent to the drying the coffees are rinsed in clean water. At the drying station the coffee is being dried on small patios or in ventilated parabolic dryers to cover it from the rain. Growers hand sort impurities and light beans.

Green coffee sourcer: Nordic Approach

Cupping notes: Mature character with medium body. Flavours of hibiskus and raspberry. Lingering sweet aftertaste.


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We work directly and transparently with some of the most talented coffee producers in the world, with many of our partnerships spanning 10+ years. All the coffees we source have an SCA cupping score of 86 or higher and we always publish the FOB prices paid. We roast carefully in small batches, focusing on sweetness, clarity and vibrancy, so every coffee’s distinct origin and personality shines through.