Marimira från Muranga, Kenya

Marimira processtationen ligger i det centrala distriktet Muranga i området Muguru, nära Kangema i centrala Kenya. Kaffets odlas av 1300 medlemmer i kooperativet; Iyego Farmers Co-operative Society, varje gård producerar endast fåtal säckar kaffebär.

I Kenya får bonden själv bestämmer vilken processtation de vill samarbeta med, ofta baserat på närheten men också kilopriset som utlovas när kaffebären levereras, ett system som har hjälpt att höja kaffepriset i landet och belöna de bönderna och stationer som gör ett skickligare jobb. Den högre lönen har gjort att många som sen tidigare har minskat sin kaffeproduktion och valt att satsa på andra former  av jordbruk har återigen börjat odla större och större mängder kaffe, då odlingen har börjat bli ekonomiskt hållbar.

Marimari anställer tio arbetare varje säsong för att väga, sorter och jobbar nära bönderna för att hjälpa de att följa Kenyas Coffee Reseach Centers riktlinjer gällande beskärning av plantorna, gödsling och andra jordbruksmetoder. På gårdarna odlas även fauna som hjälper kaffeproduktionen, t.ex macadamia nötter. 

Tvättstation: Marimira Factory

Producent: 1300 medlemmer i det lokala kooperativet

Underart: SL 28 & 34 AA

Region: Centrala distrikt, Muranga, Muguru

Skörd: Oktober - December 2013

Process:  Tvättad

Jordmån: Mineralrik vulkanisk jord

Höjd: 1730 möh

Smakbeskrivning: En doft av svarta vinbär och smält smör. Saftig med medium kropp. Smak av svarta vinbär, citrus och rosa grapefrukt.


The Marimira factory lies in the central district av Muranga in Muguru, an area close to the village Kangema in central Kenya. Here the coffee is grown by 1300 smallholders whom are members in Iyego Farmers Co-operative Society, each producing only a few sacks of coffee cherries.

In Kenya, each farmer is given a choice in which factory they would like to deliver their coffee to for processing. In this decision proximity always always plays an important roll but a majority of farmers choose to deliver to the factory in the area which will offer the highest price per kilo of coffee delivered, this competative nature has helped to push up the price of coffee in Kenya and greatly helped towards making coffee a viable business for those involved in the farming. Many farmers who had earlier turned to other forms of agriculture have even decided to focus once again on growing coffee now that it is more economically sustainable.

At Marimira, ten seasonal workers are imployed each harvest to aid in weighing, grading and working closly with the farmers in order to help follow guidelines set be the Coffee Reseach Center in Nairobe. These guidelines touch on things such as fertilisation of plants, pruning and even that any additional fauna is beneficial to the health of the coffee plants; for example macadamia nuts.

Factory: Marimira

Producer: 1300 members in the local cooperative

Variety: Sl 28 & 34 AA

Region: Muranga, Murguru

Harvest: October - December 2013

Process: Washed before being sun-dried on raised beds

Soil: Mineral-rich volcanic soil

Altitude: 1730 masl

Cupping notes: Aroma of melted butter and black currant. Juicy with medium body. Notes of black currant, citric and pink grapefruit.




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We work directly and transparently with some of the most talented coffee producers in the world, with many of our partnerships spanning 10+ years. All the coffees we source have an SCA cupping score of 86 or higher and we always publish the FOB prices paid. We roast carefully in small batches, focusing on sweetness, clarity and vibrancy, so every coffee’s distinct origin and personality shines through.