Israel Defga, Guji, Ethiopia
“It’s often being said that coffee is a person business and this is an example of a person we’re flattered working with. 2016 is the first year we’re buying coffee from private producers in Ethiopia and the coffee from Israel Degfa is already tasting great.” /Joanna Alm, Head roaster
This is a coffee from Israel Defgas washing station and farm called Mokanissa. In 2013 Israel founded the company by Kerchanshe trading company that is named after the nearest town, Kerchanste town (fondyl referred to as Kercha), with about 100 000 people. You pass through Kerchanste on the way to Mokanissa farm. The company and the washing stations are a tribute to the people of the region.
Its very important to Israel that he fulfils his responsibilities to the local society, and there is lots of evidence for this in his business. Visited Mokanissa in December 2015 we were impressed by the structure and the healthy working conditions for the coffee and the workers. Also Israel is driving the workers back to town after their shift, supporting the local school, lending money to farmers through the difficult times between harvests, building a new bridge, and repairing infrastructure of the area, and helping Kercha to be a productive and positive place to live and work.
At the farm they have planeted three different local improved varietals of Ethiopian Heirloom, being 74165, 74110 and 74158. He’s planting more land at Mokanissa and investing in quality by sorting the cherries before processing, strong varietal work and improved facilities for coffee processing and the workers.
Producer: Established 2013 by Kerchanshe trading company (owner Israel)
Location: Orimia region, Kerchanste town
Varietal: Three different local improved varietals of Heirloom: 74165, 74110, 74158
Picking period: November 2015 - January 2016
Number of workers : 23 full time all year, 200 during harvest
Sourced by: Nordic Approach
Elevation: 2300 masl
Processing: Fully washed. The cherries are floated before they go in to production so they can remove floaters.
Drying: Coffee is being dried on raised african beds. The temperature can be relatively low, and they give the coffees up to 8 hours with sun per day. Drying takes from 13- 20 days. They have to assigned people for each table constantly moving and sorting the parchment on the tables.
Flavour description: Juicy with light body, notes of clementine with a long-lasting citric acidity.