This is how we brew Kalita Wave

Drop Coffees brewing recipe Kalita

Small Kalita filter 155

16 grams coffee

260 grams water at 92-96 degrees

Brewing time: 2.45 - 3 minutes

Brew on a scale and use a timer


1. Pour 40-50 grams of water over the coffee, make sure all coffee gets wet, and starts brewing.

2. Wait for 20-30 seconds to allow the coffee to release carbonoxide, depending on how freshly roasted the coffee is. When the coffee stops bubbling, pour water up to 100 grams

3. After 1 minute, pour up to 150 grams

4. After 1.30 minutes, pour up to 200 grams

5. Pour the last water, up to 260 grams after 2 minutes

6. Enjoy your freshly brewed coffee


Big Kalita filter 185

30 grams coffee

500 grams water at 92-96 degrees

Brewing time: 3.45 - 4 minutes

Brew on a scale and use a timer

1. Pour 70-80 grams of water over the coffee, make sure all coffee gets wet, and starts brewing.

2. Wait for 20-30 seconds to allow the coffee to release carbonoxide, depending on how freshly roasted the coffee is. When the coffee stops bubbling, pour water up to 200 grams

3. After 1 minute, pour up to 300 grams

4. After 1.30 minutes, pour up to 400 grams

5. Pour the last of the water, up to 500 grams after 2 minutes

6. Enjoy your freshly brewed coffee


More tips for an even better brew

-Rinse the paper with hot water before you start brewing, this is to remove any possible paper taste and also to heat the filter holder.

-If your coffee gets an obvious bitter taste, try grinding the coffee slightly coarser next time for a better result.

-If your coffee starts tasting sour, try grinding the coffee slightly finer to extract more sweetness and bitterness from the coffee and balance the cup.

-Keep in mind to never let the coffee dry out during the brewing, always pour new water over the coffee before the old has run through completely.

-Avoid poring on the sides, work towards including all the coffee in the brewing.

Learn More

We work directly and transparently with some of the most talented coffee producers in the world, with many of our partnerships spanning 10+ years. All the coffees we source have an SCA cupping score of 86 or higher and we always publish the FOB prices paid. We roast carefully in small batches, focusing on sweetness, clarity and vibrancy, so every coffee’s distinct origin and personality shines through.